Natalie Burton Hwang Piano Studio
West San Jose
Imagination * Discovery * Hard Work * Growth Mindset
Consistent and focused practice time of assignments: at least 25 minutes for very young beginners, 40 minutes for intermediate students, and 55 minutes for advanced students six days a week with more encouraged. This is in addition to theory workbook and listening assignments.
Access to a well-maintained and in-tune acoustic piano in a quiet and temperature-controlled location where the student can concentrate for everyday practice (recommendations given upon request).
For children, a guardian who sits in lessons to understand lesson content and ensures the child follows the teacher's assignment in daily practice. The guardian must be willing to receive guidance from the teacher and practice with the child when needed.
Regular attendance to monthly studio performance classes
Playing in studio performance class at least once a semester
Willingness to obtain piano books/scores as required based on the student’s needs
A metronome
Well-trimmed fingernails for lessons and daily practice
Tuition covers weekly lessons, monthly studio performance classes, and bi-annual recitals. Tuition is divided into fixed monthly payments paid by the first day of each month. Despite some months having three lessons and others five (see studio calendar), tuition is the same each month. Over the course of a year, students receive 46 lessons (23 each semester). If a student begins lessons mid-month, the first month's lessons will be pro-rated with payment made before the first lesson.
25-min lessons: only available for students age 7 and younger
$265/month (prorated amount: $69/lesson)
40-min lessons: only available for students level two and below
$375/month (prorated amount: $98/lesson)
55-min lessons: recommended to maximize progress for students able to concentrate longer than 40 minutes
$470/month (prorated amount: $123/lesson)
70-min lessons: for students preparing a substantial amount of repertoire
$545/month (prorated amount: $142/lesson)
Lessons are usually given once a week, but highly motivated students can sign up for two lessons a week to accelerate progress
Refunds are not given for missed or cancelled lessons, but make-up lessons may be requested when the teacher is notified at least 48 hours in advance. In the case of a sudden illness, notify the teacher as soon as possible. While the teacher will try to reschedule a time that works for both student and teacher, make-up lessons are not guaranteed.
Make-up lessons do not carry over into a new semester
Make-up lessons do not carry over past any months when full monthly tuition is not paid
Students can stop taking lessons any time by notifying the teacher at least two lessons (two weeks) prior to their last lesson as an honor system policy
If the student would like to stop lessons mid-month, notice must be given at least two weeks before the last lesson and before the first day of that month for the cancelled lesson(s) to be deducted from that month's tuition
While students can take a break from lessons and stop paying full tuition, the teacher cannot guarantee an available spot in the studio upon return
Late payments incur a $10 late fee
If interested, please contact Dr. Natalie with any questions and/or to schedule a free trial lesson